Wish I Knew . . .

#60 Jeri Lykke - Partner Talent Transformation (IBM) / Being brazen / Making great family decisions

Gary Nowak Season 2 Episode 60

I'm your host Gary Nowak and you are going eavesdrop on my conversation with a good friend Jeri Lykke.  Jeri is an intelligent, driven person and it comes through in our discussion today.

Career Background:
Hookum Horns going to university of Texas in psychology (good story)
Work encompassed:

  •  EDS
  • Fujitsu
  • TXU
  • Equaterra
  • KPMG
  • IBM 

Great global career that started in Texas and is currently residing in Texas



  • The first time we met
  • Trying to get out of her psychology class and having it be her major
  • Acing the subject after never showing up to class
  • EDS first job and asking for another role within the company, brazen?
  • Being brash and learning to soften the edges just a bit
  • Working in compensation and the impact it has and doesn't have
  • Thinking that she will lead the company one day and laying the groundwork to do so
  • The change in mindset for seeking a Noble Cause with the current work force
  • Not letting being a woman impact her career
  • Being told international wasn't in the cards, then getting sponsored to go to Korea then London
  • Don't tell Jeri she can't do something, it will only fuel her
  • Great role in London
  • Moving back to the US San Diego after marriage
  • Making great family decisions that worked out well from a business perspective
  • Try something when you're young, remember it doesn't have to last forever
  • Moving over to consulting to help clients with their journey
  • Learning how to sell
  • Your perception is your reality

Want to be a guest? Email me at gpnowak@gmail.com!