Wish I Knew . . .
A podcast where I speak with people about their career path. Focusing on their decisions, success, advice, key traits, career moves, mentoring and listening to interesting stories. This podcast is an interesting perspective on how careers can take a linear path to success, but all often career paths take a zig-zag path. Fun Stuff to learn about. Enjoy!
Wish I Knew . . .
#69 Dave Brown (Re-Release) - Global Big 4 Leader / Hiring People / The Zen Master / ABBA!!! (Ugh)
Gary Nowak
Season 2
Episode 69
I'm your host Gary Nowak and this is by far one of my most organic and fun podcasts where my former boss and guest Dave Brown and I don't get past what he studied in college and managed to enjoy a very insightful conversation.
Career Background:
- Principal & Global leader for Shared Services and Outsource advisory for KPMG
- 10 years of experience with Equaterra and TPI
- Director of Finance with AT&T for 6 years
- University of Windsor Bachelor of Psychology / Finance
- MBA from Queen's University
Talked about the Book "South" by Ernest Shackelford
"This is the epic real-life adventure of the Shackleton expedition to the Antarctic that goes wrong in every way possible."
- Paper boy foundation to his success no bike no basket
- Getting politely stiffed in Canada during paper boy collections
- Blue collar upbringing and 1st to go to college
- The impact of his Parents telling Dave after seeing his grades that they "Shutting this down"
- Psychology to sociology to business degree
- Crossing the Canadian / American border for a few beers and saving a few $$
- Using sports analogies in business, so applicable
- How Dave builds a team and the process he follows / what is he looking for?
- Your reputation will follow you everywhere you go
- Dave's interviewing technique - getting to the stories
- Hiring people that "look like you"
- Proud moment has an exponential impact
- His approach with me while I was in China and Australia
- Becoming behavioral not mechanical with his mentoring approach
- Viewing issues from the other point of view
- Being a strategic thinker, great lesson / operational mindset
- Being put on the spot by the client and speaking honestly
- Commanding the room and when to pick and choose when to speak
- The Zen Master - bringing Zen into a room
- Best advice - work your tail off, you will be seen and There is more to life than hoping for a new shovel
- 5 year plan perspective - Trash it
- Take advantages of opportunities in front of you
- Support your boss and make them look good
- Moving to your favorite vacation spot
- Abba, ugh
Want to be a guest? Email me at gpnowak@gmail.com!