Wish I Knew . . .
A podcast where I speak with people about their career path. Focusing on their decisions, success, advice, key traits, career moves, mentoring and listening to interesting stories. This podcast is an interesting perspective on how careers can take a linear path to success, but all often career paths take a zig-zag path. Fun Stuff to learn about. Enjoy!
Wish I Knew . . .
#82 Myah Payel Mitra - Career Transition Coach / Independent Consultant / Customer Expert
Gary Nowak
Season 2
Episode 82
Career Background:
- Employee engagement and Career transition coach
- Independent consultant
- Certified movement therapy practitioner
- Founder and president of Lean in Regional Leader
- Social Entrepreneur
- Customer expert strategist
- Day 1 working with the CIO
- High touch
- Engineer to certified movement therapy practitioner
- Living the scripted life initially
- Going through career and ticking boxes
- Being a woman in the technology industry
- Significant career pivot
- The art of communication
- Being a somatic leadership coach
- The 5 levels of well being
- Quick somatic experiment
- 9 month program for a brand new program
- Getting coaching support to move forward
- Living by design not by default
- Being in hustle mode
- Most proud of experimenting
- Bus conductor / teacher / news caster
Want to be a guest? Email me at gpnowak@gmail.com!