Wish I Knew . . .
A podcast where I speak with people about their career path. Focusing on their decisions, success, advice, key traits, career moves, mentoring and listening to interesting stories. This podcast is an interesting perspective on how careers can take a linear path to success, but all often career paths take a zig-zag path. Fun Stuff to learn about. Enjoy!
Wish I Knew . . .
#90 Sabrina Houssami - Founder CEO of Avanti Search / Former Miss World / Apprentice contestant
Season 2
Episode 90
Career Background:
- Founder and CEO of Avanti Search
- Recruitment experience with:
- Accolade Wines
- Class Ltd
- Wolters Kluwer
- NSW Dept of Industry
- Apprentice Australia Contestant
- Ambassador for:
- Ferrari
- Australian Grand Prix Corporation
- Miss World Australia 2006
Her Company - https://www.avantisearch.com.au/
- Best first job ever Miss World Australia 2006
- Looking for a way to get into charity work
- Finding excitement in recruitment
- Creating a company that aligns with her values
- Taking care of the family with an unwell Mother
- Building up confidence early on and taking that with her throughout
- Being discovered through her great interview skills
- An interview is just a conversation
- Key skill is her listening ability
- Hearing impairment is her super power
- Aligning career to her values
- Communicating with Executives
- Coaching candidates on their career experience and imposter syndrome
- Ask for a water, coffee or tea
- Admitting your nerves
- Overdelivering on content
- The "Golden" interview question
- Avanti Search is her own company with high touch
- Great perspective on her success
- Venice to Vegas
- Summertime in New Delhi
Want to be a guest? Email me at gpnowak@gmail.com!