Wish I Knew . . .
A podcast where I speak with people about their career path. Focusing on their decisions, success, advice, key traits, career moves, mentoring and listening to interesting stories. This podcast is an interesting perspective on how careers can take a linear path to success, but all often career paths take a zig-zag path. Fun Stuff to learn about. Enjoy!
Wish I Knew . . .
# 92 Jayne Jenkins - CEO of Churchill / National Speaker Mngt Leader / Pharma Executive /
Season 2
Episode 92
Career Background:
- CEO of the Churchhill Leadership Group
- Global Coaching organization
- President and Board Member - Leadership and Team Development
- AstraZeneca for over 22 years
- National speaker management leader
- Regional Sales Director
- Strategic Brand Planning Manager
- Starting work at 7 years old in the Corner Shop
- Loving science when younger
- Sandwich course at university
- 2 year school
- 1 year work
- 1 more year school
- Went into the pharmaceutical industry for a car
- Loving sales and communicating with people
- Quantity of of activity and quality of conversations
- Getting lucky to find an industry that worked, especially sales
- What to do with you live "stay curious", heaps of other great perspective
- The Portland Trailblazers
- Being practical with your decisions
- Figure out patterns to success
- Finding your strengths
- The love of mentoring and situational mentoring
- Changing up mentors to reach success
- Taking multiple jobs and roles
- Having a husband that is able to see the potential
- Being well rounded vs spiking in your career
- Seeing the potential in others and aligning accordingly
- The power of coaching and seeing others grow
- Be like Water
Want to be a guest? Email me at gpnowak@gmail.com!